If you are looking to buy and/or sell a home, we can help. As licensed REALTORS, we can guide you through the process of buying or selling with your interests in mind.

The Selling Process
Ready to sell a house? Where do you start?
We are here to help every step of the way. A licensed and professional REALTOR can help you navigate all the other steps of the home selling process. Selling a home is a major commitment and having someone from our team advocate for you can help reduce the stress of selling.
Comparative Market Analysis - CMA
We will provide you with a complete competitive market analysis. A CMA will give you insight into the value of your home based on market trends in the area which will include recent sales and active listings. A CMA is not an official appraisal, which a buyer going through the lending process will need to obtain.
Set a Price
We will help you set a price for your property. We will also provide an Estimated Closing Statement (ECS) based on the sale price which will provide an estimate of closing costs and sales proceeds. When you receive an offer on your property, you will also receive an updated ECS to match the offer.
Market the Property
We will provide recommendations to get your house ready to market as well as arrange for pictures and all other aspects of marketing. Getting your property cleaned up inside and out and decluttered can have a huge impact in marketing your property.
We will document the property features and get your house listed and marketed.
Review Offers
We will present to you each offer as they come in unless we have arranged to stop accepting offers at a certain time and review all offers at once. Consider each offer carefully, what is the price, how will it be financed, what else are they asking, are they waiving any repairs/inspections, etc.
Buyers will also typically be getting a home inspection, so have a plan to deal with anything they might ask as far as repairs go.
Finalize at Closing
At the closing you will have a number of documents to sign in order to complete the sale of your property. If you have any proceeds from the sale of the property, you will leave the closing with a check in that amount. The buyers will leave with keys to the property. At this point, you are no longer in the property, it is clean and free of debri, and when you leave the closing, the sale is final.